I didn't get into Harry Potter until after the fourth book came out.
I discovered Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series in 2006, 15 years after the first book was published.
I saw the movie "Twilight" a week or so ago and have been intermittently listening to Book One on the iPod, trying to understand the mania for it. I'm not there yet, but I'm hoping it'll happen for me. Seeing sweet and slightly thick Cedric Diggory as a vampire was rather traumatic.
I was determined to make some Twilight-themed jewelry that avoids copyright infringement, which means no logos or visuals from the book or movie. I trod a fine line with some of my Richard Armitage worship widgets that used his likeness, and decided to avoid it this time. Instead I'm just making some pieces with a line or two from the books (well, that's a fine line also). It's just for fun, and I'm trying not to copy what I've seen on Etsy and elsewhere, using charms and beads that are already in stock.

The first piece is an ornate medley of both literal and suggestive charms hanging from a necklace frame. It's theatrical and over the top (heh) but it was fun to put together.
The other three necklaces are lockets of varying sorts with text under resin and a bead/charm embellishment.

These necklaces and bracelet are available in my shop - some are not yet listed but will be in a couple of days. Check the "New This Week" section and after that, they'll be in a section all their own. :)
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