I have been hearting some lovely hats that I've come across lately, and before it gets too HOT to wear them, offer some to celebrate Friday on my blog, that I've been neglecting. A hat can pull a coat and scarf together, and it can make a short person look taller - there's a reason alone to add one!

I came across this hat by BonniesKnitting recently and adore both the vintage plaid as well as the fetching red buckle on the side. Check out her other adorable hats made from vintage materials!

I just yesterday discovered PsycoHatress, and submit for your appraisal this amazing, attention-grabbing hat. I'm a sucker for checkerboards and love the contrast of the bubblegum pink and black & white. This is NOT a child's hat, although it looks as if it should be. Would you wear it? I would!

I love this swirlyhat from, oddly enough, swirlyhats. How adorable would your little munchkin look wearing this? Hey, how adorable would YOU look - it's for both kids and adults. Swirlyhats has this in different colors, so you can choose your favorite hue. I loved the plum hat, which isn't available just now, but there's this fabulous red one, and a great kelly green one available, for the green fans out there. This is the hat I'd make if I were still doing my line today.

I'm a mentor to new shops, and was recently contacted by Cathy Von Eschen, who has opened a sweet shop on Etsy called Wire & Wool. I love her upcycled patchwork hats, especially this one, which would be great for a boy - so rare. Cathy makes jewelry and stuffed fruit out of soft wools - it's an eclectic shop that works and is also a cheery place to visit.

I came across BlueMoonRose and just adore this craftastic hat on this sweet little model! What a wonderful blend of colors and textures - re-purposed from wool scraps. It's angora and cashmere - how soft it must feel on. There are so many wonderful and clever hats in her shop, for both kids and adults...so go! What are you waiting for?

Here's witchy hat that I'd wear in a heartbeat. THINK about how much taller you'd appear in this "TWISTED" crocheted creation. It's chic and textured, but soft and approachable, and not at all scary. It comes in colors, and there are other styles to choose from as well. It's from StrawberryCrochet. You can also have a hat & neck warmer for more textured goodness!

I'm as in love with this baby as I am with this elfin hat, available at LittleLids on Etsy. I think that this should be The Official Baby Christmas Hat, as it doesn't get much cuter than this. This is a perfectly styled product photo...I love how his clothing matches! Slap a red or green onesie on your babe, and you'll have an instant costume with this hat - perfect for your family holiday card. There are other adorable knitted hats at Little Lids, so if you have hatless babies and toddlers...hie thee hence!

This may be my favorite hat, ever. It's OOAK, felted and very expensive...ah, well. I just love looking at the colors and imagine how much effort went into creating this fabric. It's from Feltasy (great name), where there are other unusual items. I love the cozy claws too - great for Halloween or just general scaring around.

I just discovered KatarinaCouture, a newish shop on Etsy that's also local to NYC. Her hats remind me of pretty 1920s-1930s hats that I love in old movies like "Grand Hotel". It was hard to choose just one for this blog post but this one is sensational, and can nicely transition from winter and spring. There's a black one there that I covet, but for the greater good I chose a color. She also makes beautiful roses - HUGE roses, that would look great pinned to a coat lapel, that instantly prettify whatever you're wearing.
That's all for today, kiddies, but I'll be back with more hats from other sellers another time. This may be a weekly event at this blog - a spotlight on items that I've discovered on my travels.